Community Resources
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Distress Centres of Greater Toronto
Province: Ontario
Region: Toronto and Greater Toronto Area
Crisis Line: (416) 408-4357
Survivor Support Program: (416) 595-1716
PARO helpline: 1-866-435-7362
Text: 45645
Anishnawbe Health Toronto
Province: Ontario
Region: GTA
416-360-0486 or 416- 920-2605 or 416-657-0379
East Metro Youth Services (EMYS)
Province: Ontario
Region: GTA
Ethiopian Association in the Greater Toronto Area
Province: Ontario
Region: GTA
Planned Parentood Toronto (PPT)
Province: Ontario
Region: GTA
Language: English; All languages (interpretation available upon request)
Help when you need it
It’s important to talk about suicide. Connect any time: