I need help right now
You deserve help
We are here for you, 24/7/365.
If you have tried to seriously hurt yourself or end your life within the last few hours, please call 9-1-1 right away or go to your nearest emergency department.
Whatever you’re going through, you are not alone. 9-8-8 responders are here to help you find a way through, no matter what it is you are dealing with.
No problem is too difficult – whatever you choose to share with us, we won’t judge you.
Ways to feel safer in the moment
Recognize your thoughts of suicide or of hopelessness
Naming your thoughts can help you realize you need support, and make a plan to keep yourself safe. Learn more about signs you may be struggling.
Remember what has worked in the past.
This can vary from person-to-person but is usually a task that provides some temporary distraction from your thoughts or feelings. Is there a way of coping that has worked in the past? Try that now.
Some examples include: going for a walk, listening to music, going online, taking a shower, playing with a pet, gentle movement, engaging in a hobby, reading, or doing chores.
Reach out to someone in your life for support
This should be someone that you think will listen and be helpful. Get advice for how to tell someone how you are feeling.
Reach out to a professional for support, including us
9-8-8 responders can help you talk through a plan that will help you feel safe. Call 9-8-8 any time.
Make your environment safer
If it is safe to do so, get rid of anything in your environment that could be used to harm yourself. You can also ask someone you trust to do this for you.
Make a safety plan
A safety plan is a document you can use to remind yourself of ways to cope and people you can reach out to to decrease your risk of suicide. If you have made a safety plan, please follow it. If you do not have a safety plan, you can contact us for support . You can also find an example of a safety plan here:
adapted from: Labouliere CD, Stanley B, Lake AM, Gould MS. Safety Planning on Crisis Lines: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Perceived Helpfulness of a Brief Intervention to Mitigate Future Suicide Risk. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2020 Feb;50(1):29-41. doi: 10.1111/sltb.12554. Epub 2019 May 21.
Call 9-1-1 OR go to your nearest emergency department if…
- It’s an emergency and you need the police, firefighters, or an ambulance.
- You have tried to seriously hurt yourself or end your life very recently.
- You plan to seriously hurt yourself or end your life within the next few minutes.
- You are with someone else who has seriously hurt themselves or tried to end their life.
- You think you are very likely to hurt someone else.
Call or text 9-8-8 if…
It’s never wrong to call or text 9-8-8.
If you’re feeling hopeless, but you’re not sure if 9-8-8 can help, please reach out.
If you’re not sure if you’re having suicidal thoughts, or if what you’re going through is related to suicide, please call or text 9-8-8, and a responder will be there to talk things through with you.
Other pages you might find useful
What to expect when you contact us
Information about what happens when you reach out to 9-8-8.