Risk and protective factors
Suicide is preventable. When someone dies by suicide, it is usually because of multiple factors. To prevent suicide, we need to look beyond the individual and consider what is happening around them: in their community, in their relationships, and in wider society.
Some groups and communities have unique risk factors when it comes to suicide – and there are unique ways that they can be protected from suicide. But it’s important to remember that coming from a community that is considered to be “high-risk” does not mean that suicide is inevitable. Suicide affects everyone, from all walks of life.

- Government of Canada. Suicide: Risks and Prevention. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/suicide-prevention/suicide-risks-prevention.html
- CDC. Risk and Protective Factors. https://www.cdc.gov/suicide/factors/index.html
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Help when you need it
It’s important to talk about suicide. Connect any time: