Order Free 9-8-8 Materials
Help spread the word about 9-8-8 in your community! Place your order for posters, wallet cards, magnets and stickers here to get them delivered to a location that’s convenient to you. We can ship to anywhere in Canada, free of charge.
Simply fill out the form below and click submit. If you would like to order more than one type of material, you can do this by clicking the blue “add” button at the bottom of the form before clicking submit.
You can see examples of the materials available at the bottom of this page. All items are available in English and French.
If you are interested in ordering the Conversation guide (We Can Talk About Suicide), we regret to inform you that it is currently out of stock and we cannot accept new orders for it at this time. You can use the link below to download the digital version of the guide, which contains all of the same information and materials. We hope to make the physical guides available for order again at some point in the future. Thank you for understanding!
Examples of 9-8-8 Promotional Materials
9-8-8 Wallet Card (English)
The front of the 9-8-8 wallet card (English).
9-8-8 Wallet Card (French)
The front of the 9-8-8 wallet card (French).
The back of the wallet card (English).
The back of the wallet card (French).
9-8-8 Poster (English side)
The English side of the 9-8-8 poster. The opposite side is the French.
9-8-8 Poster (French side)
The French side of the 9-8-8 poster.
Stickers and Fridge Magnet (English)
The design for the 9-8-8 stickers and fridge magnets (English).
Stickers and Fridge Magnet (French)
The design for the 9-8-8 stickers and fridge magnets (French).